Why Youseeme - Bartcoin - Bartwallet ? This is the first Ewallet combining the payments and trading functionalities all-in-one. Share with friends and family, pay merchants, trade cryptocurrencies, or assets and commodities and keep them stored safely into your wallet portfolio. Youseeme app Youseeme is an ecosystem of ewallets and loyalty rewards program, linking both crypto and traditional consumer communities. Youseeme allows shoppers not to manage multiple loyalty programs and redeem reward points at different retailers. All these loyalty points accumulated (Bartcoins) can be spent at all retailers in the Youseeme network (restaurants, shops, etc...). Shoppers instantly know the balance of their wallet and Bartcoins available. Youseeme's wallet offers secure and fast transactions, online shopping (M-commerce) and easy transfer money between wallets (for example: share a bill, send money to someone across the country, etc...) Bartcoin token Bartcoin (BARC) is a protoco...